French Med Gull

A fine selection of birds over the past few days. No massive influx of migrants yet some south or south-westerly winds might sort that situation out. At least 3 adult Med Gull present including one colour ringed bird which was ringed in France. More details to follow.

Med Gull ring

Whooper Swan numbers on the Mere are down to ~ 60. Most of the action is on the wader front with 40+ Avocet, 100+ Lapwing, 60 Oystercatcher, 40+ Ruff, 25+ Black-tailed Godwit, 6 Redshank and Dunlin. Little Egret.

Raptors included 6+ Common Buzzard, 2 Kestrel, 2 Sparrowhawk and Peregrine. Tawny Owl and Little Owl again today.

Two Red-legged Partridge, Wheatear and singing Chiffchaff.

Hot off the press Dragonflies of Lancashire & North Merseyside. Full colour, 104 pages with maps. Available from the in focus shop £10.



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