Garden Warbler

More signs of migration with a Garden Warbler feeding around the Janet Kear Hide area. Garden Warbler are surprisingly scarce on the reserve and this bird is the first record this year, bringing the year list onto 144.

An excellent raptor day again with Hobby, Peregrine, Marsh Harrier, Kestrel, Common Buzzard and Sparrowhawk all represented.

Kingfisher in front of the Ron Barker Hide. A Goosander on Vinson's early on is unusual here. The juvenile Cuckoo showed well yesterday on Miller's Bridge.

Kingfisher next to Millers Bridge
Kingfisher next to Millers Bridge

Plenty of waders to look for although some patience is required as the summer undergrowth means they will go missing for long periods.

Swifts on the move today.

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