
As we go into May there is a real sense of excitement as migration is in full flow. Today looked interesting with fronts moving through and occasional rain showers. While cloud cover was present the visibility was some of the best we've had on the reserve for sometime.

A drake Garganey was present on the Mere this morning before moving over towards Vinson's and Sunley's Marsh. It wasn't reported again by late afternoon but may have moved out of sight along Langley's Brook.

This drake Garganey put the WWT Martin Mere year list on 130 species
This drake Garganey put the WWT Martin Mere year list on 130 species

Good for waders with a flock of 21 Whimbrel dropping in mid afternoon in front of the Ron Barker Hide. Early on 7 Dunlin and 3 tundra race Ringed Plover were present on the Mere. Later 17 Dunlin skimmed in over the hedge next to the in focus shop before landing on the Mere. At least one Litttle Ringed Plover present, plenty of sitting Avocet but sad to report one less Lapwing chick nabbed by a very swift Kestrel.

Other birds present included imm Med Gull and Wheatear.

Tomorrow looks excellent again for producing more passage waders.

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