
Drake Garganey on Woodend Marsh this morning viewed from the United Utilities Hide. Also there the 1st summer Little Gull and 2 Common Tern. The first Oystercatcher chicks also on Woodend and some newly hatched Avocet chicks too.

At least 13 Ringed Plover on the reserve and a few Dunlin. Plenty of opportunity to turn up some more waders in the next week if the forecast for rain showers and westerlies is correct. Two Little Ringed Plover this morning.

A Cuckoo was seen Thursday and Friday from the Janet Kear Hide. This maybe the same bird as last year prospecting for a Reed Warbler nest in the reeds to the right of the hide. Keep an eye out for it perching in the dead tree along the back.

The breezy condition mean that many Swift are feeding low over the reserve.

Med Gull and Little Egret again today.

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