
A misty start to the day although not to bad for scanning through the thousands of Pink-footed Geese constantly around the reserve. Estimates from the recent count put the total around 25,000 roosting on the reserve.

The 5 flying Whooper Swan were present again today. More Pintail, Wigeon and Teal turning up although no counts.

Five Marsh Harrier in the air together is the highest count of the autumn so far. At least 5 Common Buzzard, Peregrine, 2 Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk.

Other reports included Kingfisher and Water Rail in front of the Ron Barker Hide.

No further reports of the possible Bearded Tits seen distantly on Thursday. Although given the extent of Reed Bed scattered over the reserve it's not impossible they could be lurking unseen or heard.

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