Golden Plover and other birds

With a marked change in temperature over the past few days it was always likely we would see a change in numbers of birds on the reserve and perhaps the arrival of something new.

A count of 160 Golden Plover yesterday and 80+ today are exceptional numbers here nowadays. These birds were likely to be pushed onto the reserve due to snow fall inland(?). It is possible to see good numbers of Golden Plover near the coast although the record count here was had in 1983 with 3000 birds.

Some counts were done on Sunday which included 1620 Whooper Swan (biggest count of the winter), 3500 Pink-footed Geese, 2000 Mallard, 1170 Shelduck, 1000 Teal, 960 Wigeon, 379 Greylag, 340 Pintail, 50 Pochard (39 male and 11 female), 20 Gadwall, 18 Tufted Duck and 16 Shoveler. Apart from the Whooper Swan and Pink-footed Geese the cold weather has caused a drop off in wildfowl numbers as areas become frozen making feeding difficult.

Some of the 1620 Whooper Swan coming in for the 3pm feed in front of the new Discovery Hide
Some of the 1620 Whooper Swan coming in for the 3pm feed in front of the new Discovery Hide

This drop off also is reflected in Lapwing numbers were the count on Sunday was only 390. The temperature has risen overnight and today the Lapwing numbers are 2000+ and the wildfowl numbers are likely to do the same. Its always possible that new birds will be brought in on these movements. Other waders included c.30 Black-tailed Godwit, 40+ Ruff, 2 Oystercatcher and a few Common Snipe.

Raptors reported over the past two days included Merlin, 2 Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, 5+ Common Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk. Three Barn Owl including birds hunting over the Carum Field and from the Ron Barker Hide and the usual 2 Tawny Owl present. (directions from the in focus shop)

Both Siskins and Redpolls seen. Raven today and yesterday. Kingfisher from the Hale Hide. Great Black-backed Gull feeding on a carcass on the Mere, joined by assorted corvids and Lesser Black-backed Gull. Water Rail from the Kingfisher Hide. A flock of c.50 Pied Wagtail with a few Grey Wagtail late on.

Belated news of a single Bewick's Swan on Top Mere briefly on Friday.



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