
A drake Goldeneye flew onto the Mere mid morning. Most years a few birds are present throughout the winter, however this is the first record this year, a further indicator of climate change.


A morning count produced 1640 Whooper Swan, very high for this time of year, undoubtedly numbers being swelled as birds which wintered further south move north. Around 1000 Pink-footed Geese also roosted.

Two adult Mediterranean hung around on the Mere with Black-headed Gulls for most of the day.


Med Gull with Shelduck.

Two Tawny Owl roosting in ivy covered trees near the Kingfisher Hide. Barn Owl out hunting early afternoon from the Ron Barker Hide.

Yesterdays 'mystery bird' failed to show today. It is in fact a female (Northern) Pintail which will have spent the winter in peaty/iron rich water which over time stains the plumage. Ive never seen one so stained. Unfortunately I failed to grab a shot of it with the male which was also very stained. Keep an eye out as they may still be around.


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