Good weather on it's way!

It's looking like we are in for some slightly calm weather and even sunshine on and off over the next 7 days even if the occasional shower is thrown into the mix on a couple of them.

Lapwings and wildfowl in the air flushed by Peregrine
Lapwings and wildfowl in the air flushed by Peregrine

The day didn't start too well with most of the site closed to visitors due to a mains water leak. Thankfully normal service was resumed by 12am. The birds of course carry on regardless.

Lapwing resting from the Ron Barker Hide
Lapwing resting from the Ron Barker Hide

The Peregrine(s) were active from early on flushing many of the 2000+ Lapwing into a state of panic. Raptor of the day was a ringtail Hen Harrier from the Ron Barker Hide late afternoon also today, 2 Marsh Harrier, 3+ Common Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel. At least 2 Barn Owl with one on the Reed Bed Walk this morning and another from the Ron Barker Hide. Tawny Owl showing in cover near the Kingfisher Hide, directions from the in focus shop.

Barn Owl - Picture by Mike Jackson
Barn Owl - Picture by Mike Jackson

No sign of Avocet yet but an increase in Oystercatcher to 20, 50+ Ruff, 6 Black-tailed Godwit and a few Common Snipe, the later showing around the pool edge from the Kingfisher Hide. Kingfisher there too catching small fry.

Out on the reserve at least 2 Stonechat along the fence lines around Plover Field. A small flock of Linnet and a few Pied Wagtail were feeding near a manure pile next the broken barn beyond Woodend Marsh from the United Utilities Hide.

Signs of spring with Snow Drops on the Nature Trail
Signs of spring with Snow Drops on the Nature Trail

...and Blackthorn in flower.
...and Blackthorn in flower.

Chiffchaff again out by the Sewage Works at the far end of the Reed Bed Walk. Siskin in Alders near the Janet Kear Hide. Goldcrest in song near the Kingsher Hide and active Coal Tit close by.



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