Goosander and other birds

A misty start as milder weather and light winds tend to produce these conditions at this time of year. A new bird for the year list, Goosander a male was present for about 30 minutes on Sunley's Marsh before flying off. Goosander are  just about annual on the reserve but don't hang around.

Goosander (back of the camera shot) pic by Karl Bishop

A pair of Mediterranean Gull on the Mere this afternoon in breeding plumage.

Pair of Med Gull on the Mere
Pair of Med Gull on the Mere

On the wader front 40+ Avocet, 20+ Black-tailed Godwit (some showing well in front of the Discovery Hide), 50+ Oystercatcher, 150+ Lapwing, 5+ Common Snipe, 2 Ringed Plover and Redshank.

Merlin was pick of the raptors which also included Marsh Harrier, 5+ Common Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel.

Water Rail again from the Kingfisher Hide. Bewick's Swan on the Mere late morning

Bewick's Swan with Wigeon (guard of honour..)
Bewick's Swan (with Wigeon guard of honour..)


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