Spotted Crake

Late afternoon a Spotted Crake was flushed from undergrowth next to the pool right of the Ron Barker Hide. Spotted Crake are passage migrants/summer visitors to the UK and have been recorded at Martin Mere regularly in the past few years. They are however difficult to see.


Picture by Derrick Hutton

A full blue sky start to the day and a little ground frost. The first Grasshopper Warbler of the year reeling out on Woodend Marsh.


Many more Whitethroat in today joining the chorus of Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Blackcap, Sedge and Reed Warbler on the reserve.

Belated news from yesterday of the first Swift of the year, an early record here. Also apparently a Short-eared Owl was seen in the afternoon from the Ron Barker Hide again the first record for 2015 and unusual at this time of year.

As usual if you do see anything noteworthy do mention it at the time by calling into the in focus shop or passing the information on to somebody in the centre.











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