Great-crested Good News!

Amazed to come in this morning to see our pair of Great-crested Grebe which originally turned up on the 7th April have built a nest!  This is the first time this has occurred at Martin Mere. Will they be successful?  Watch this space or better still spend sometime down in the Harrier Hide as they can't be missed.

Great-crested Grebe showing well on it's newly constructed nest.
Great-crested Grebe showing well on it's newly constructed nest.

On the wader front some excellent views of Little Ringed Plover(s) from the Hale Hide.

LRP. Note dark bill and yellow eye ring among features separating it from Ringed Plover

At least 15 Avocet chicks present on Woodend Marsh with 30+ adults. Other waders include 20+ Lapwing with some newly hatched chicks opposite the reserve. At least 5 pair of Redshank some with chicks, 6 Oystercatcher, 2 Ringed Plover and Dunlin.

Lapwing chicks opposite the reserve
Lapwing chicks opposite the reserve

At least 2 Med Gulls present again today. Cuckoo heard calling from the Ron Barker Hide and from the United Utilities Hide.

The pair of Common Tern out on Woodend Marsh.

Yellow Wagtail and Corn Bunting along the public footpath past the derelict farm house opposite the reserve. Corn Bunting also in fields beyond Long Hedge past the sewage works at the end of the Reed Bed Walk.

Grasshopper, Sedge, Reed and Willow Warbler all in song along the Reed Bed Walk and beyond. You can also hear Chiffchaff, Whitethroat and Blackcap here.



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