
All the 'greens' today, one being a regular winter visitor from North America the other is possibly the first record for WWT Martin Mere!

Starting with the potential first! There were two sightings of a male Green Woodpecker along the edge of the reserve this morning. Undoubtedly this bird will have been moved from it's usual habitat of Woods/Parkland by local floods. They tend to feed on short grassy areas with golf courses being a local favorite. The bird was initially picked up by it's call which is very distinctive. No reports of this bird later in the day.

The other bird Green-winged Teal is the commonest North American duck that visits the UK. We have had as many as 3 together on the reserve in recent years. This years bird has been present since October and is likely to hang around well into 2016.

A good raptor day again with 6 species present; Merlin, 2 Peregrine, 3 Marsh Harrier, 3+ Common Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and 2+ Sparrowhawk. The usual Barn Owls and Tawny Owls.

Rafts of wildfowl around the reserve, 3000+ Teal, 1000+ Wigeon, 500+ Pintail, 600+ Shelduck, 800+ Whooper Swan.

If you need any direction for any of the birds on site do call in at the in focus shop.


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