Otter notice

⚠️ Otter notice ⚠️

Please note that from Mon 2 Sept to Sun 8 Sept the otters will be off show whilst we complete works on their habitat. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


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Green-winged Teal

Given we have at least 2500 Eurasian Teal on the reserve perhaps it's not so surprising the drake Green-winged Teal has remained so elusive over the past month with only a handful of sightings. Today it was showing well on Sunley's Marsh in the afternoon.

Drake Green-winged Teal
Drake Green-winged Teal

The teal were putting on an excellent show trying to avoid the attention of two Marsh Harrier and a Peregrine. At least 3 Common Buzzard today, 2 Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk. The Tawny Owl can be seen on the Nature Trail near the Kingfisher Hide, call in at the in focus shop for directions.



Increasingly blurred Teal
Increasingly blurred Teal

A Bullfinch was calling near the Janet Kear Hide. It would appear that this bird is currently hanging around on the reserve. Plenty of Tree Sparrow near any of the Nature Trail feeders.

Waders included 67 Ruff, 800+ Lapwing, 10+ Common Snipe and Golden Plover.

Other birds of note included 7 Redwing feeding on the Car Park next to the Nature Trail, Fieldfare and Mistle Thrush there too. Raven from the Ron Barker Hide and Drake Goldeneye on the Mere. Goldcrest along the Nature Trail near the Kingfisher Hide.

Not forgetting 1000+ Whooper Swan and thousands of assorted wildfowl. Currently its possible to see 60+ species of wild bird on the reserve.



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