Green-winged Teal

An moulting drake Green-winged Teal was found from the Ron Barker Hide this morning before the flock was flushed by Marsh Harrier. It was relocated again from the Ron Barker Hide late afternoon on Sunley's Marsh. (see map from yesterday).

Two juvenile Greenland White-fronted Geese mid-afternoon from the Ron Barker Hide.

'Back of the camera shoot' Two juvenile Greenland White-fronted Geese (Steve Burke)
'Back of the camera shot' Two juvenile Greenland White-fronted Geese (Steve Burke)

Over 10,000 Pink-footed Geese roosting on the reserve. A single Barnacle Goose was with Pink's early afternoon.

Raptors included 2 Peregrine, 3+ Marsh Harrier, 3+ Common Buzzard, 2 Sparrowhawk and Kestrel.

A group of 15 Swallow flew south. Jay over the reserve. Some movement of pied/white wagtails today. Kingfisher showing well from the Ron Barker Hide.

Two Water Rail from the Harrier Hide this afternoon.

A brief view of a large pipit which dropped onto the back of the mere, was just that. Rock/Water Pipit is surprisingly rare on the reserve, in fact there have been no records here in the last 18 years at least!

Pink-footed Geese at sunset (@AndyBunting)
Pink-footed Geese at sunset (@AndyBunting)

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