Green-winged Teal and Lapwing

The biggest haul of Lapwing on the reserve for some time with over 2500 birds. Spectacular to see in flight dodging the attention of Peregrine.

Lapwing take flight.

The Green-winged Teal is still present after no reports for a few days. It's likely it will be hanging around right through winter unless an extended cold spell drives the birds out, which seems unlikely at the moment.

It's not just 3000+ Teal, over 1000 Whooper Swan using the reserve also 1500 Wigeon, 2000+ Mallard, 600+ Shelduck, 500+ Pintail, 60 Shoveler, 60+ Gadwall, 30 Pochard, 20+ Tufted Duck and 3 Goldeneye. Small numbers of Pink-footed Geese are around and well worth looking through for rarer birds. The Ross's Goose shows well in front of the new Discovery Hide at 3pm (feeding time..)

Raptors include the aforementioned Peregrine, 3 Marsh Harrier, 3+ Common Buzzard, 3 Sparrowhawk and Kestrel. The usual Tawny and Barn Owls present.

Christmas is a time for sharing...
Christmas is a time for sharing... but the Common Buzzard gets the first pick.

No news on the elusive Firecrest although it is very likely to over winter too. The epicentre of sighting occur near the Common Crane enclosure. If you see it please report it at the in focus shop. As previous this area has been good for Siskin and Redpoll which associate with Goldfinches feeding on the Alder cones.

Keep an eye out for winter thrushes as quite a few Redwing are feeding inside the Wildfowl Gardens and Fieldfare are being seen around the overflow car park and along the edge of the reserve from the Reedbed Walk.

Site specialties, if you are visiting the reserve for the first time these include Ruff (60+), Tree Sparrow (60+) and Stock Dove (100+). It's possible to see over 60 species in a day on the reserve.



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