
At least 3 Mediterranean Gull were showing well on the Mere including one near adult bird displaying to Black-headed Gulls. An adult Black-headed Gull nesting on the Mere at the moment sporting a yellow ring was ringed in Essex in January this year.

At least 4 Little Ringed Plover on site at the moment with birds showing well on the Mere from Swan Link Hide, Avocets with chicks from Ron Barker Hide. Common Terns around the reserve.

Black-headed Gull chicks, one using the 'carpet' for cover (T. Disley)
Black-headed Gull chicks, one using the 'carpet' for cover (T. Disley)

Med Gull displaying to Black-headed Gulls (T. Disley)
Med Gull displaying to Black-headed Gulls (T. Disley)

Bird sightings

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