Hen Harrier

Late news from the weekend of a Hen Harrier that no one saw, literally! The bird was a satellite tagged bird (no information on age, sex or exact date yet) from Trough of Bowland which clearly eluded observers on site over the weekend, or did it? If anyone did see a Hen Harrier on Saturday or Sunday but didn't report it, please pop in the In Focus shop and let us know. More details on the bird as and when we get more information.

Immature Grey Heron washing a freshly caught Vole in the edge of the Mere before swallowing it (T. Disley)
Immature Grey Heron washing a freshly caught Vole in the edge of the Mere before swallowing it (T. Disley)

Recent sightings of birds other than the expected species for this time of year have been few and far between of late, or we have been missing them :) Still up to 1000 Whooper Swans around the reserve or just off along Curlew Lane and a few thousand Pink footed Geese roosting each night. Fewer raptors of late, with no reports of Marsh Harrier for a few days but Peregrines have been seen and the usual Common Buzzard, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

A few Black tailed Godwit in recent days along with 50+ Ruff and some Common Snipe. Good numbers of Blackbirds around the grounds with small numbers of Redwings and Fieldfares.  A Raven was seen today.

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