In like a Lion, out like a Lion....

A wild and windy couple of days putting pay to any further influx of spring migrants. On saying that a Wheatear was found today on islands from the Harrier Hide, probably taking shelter from the coast!

Just over 50 Whooper present today. Shoveler are getting active mostly out on Woodend Marsh, perhaps somebody will find a drake Blue-winged Teal among them after all these winds.

At least 40 Avocet, 28 Black-tailed Godwit, 25 Ruff, 50+ Oystercatcher, 60 Lapwing and 6+ Redshank.

Six species of gull present including Mediterranean Gull.

Usual raptors with Common Buzzards, Kestrels and Sparrowhawks.

Barn Owl out hunting still 10am due to difficult feeding conditions over the past few days.

Fox, Hare(s) and Stoat all seen today.

As the winds drop over the next few days we may get an influx of migrants coming through. In fact this next week is one of the best to catch Osprey on the move so if you are on the reserve and all the birds start going crazy you might be in luck!

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