
It pretty much rained all day with that misty murk that isn't ideal for anything, except perhaps for dropping a Kittiwake onto the reserve! Seen for less than a minute the bird took flight off the Mere and headed into the gloom. Almost annual (we had two last year) this very much coastal/pelagic gull species finds itself inland probably due the the recent high winds. A good addition to the Martin Mere year list which at the end of January has reach 89 species.

Adult winter plumage Kittiwake
Adult winter plumage Kittiwake

The Bewick's Swan was present from late morning onward around the edge of the Mere/Top Mere.

Bewick's Swan again today
Bewick's Swan again today

A limited number of reports today but Peregrine, Marsh Harrier, 3+ Common Buzzard, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and 2 Barn Owl were seen


Kingfisher and Raven from the Ron Barker Hide.

Long-tailed Tits along the Nature Trail

You'll be pleased to know the recently constructed (Aug 2015) 'in focus island', in front of the in focus shop / Discovery Hide has had it's 24th species of bird with this fine Oystercatcher!

digiscoped with a mobile phone and telescope
Oystercatcher on 'in focus island' digiscoped with a mobile phone and telescope



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