Kittiwake drops in.

The day started off with some heavy hail showers and increasing wind which stayed with us all day before the showers started again late afternoon. An adult breeding plumage Kittiwake was found with Black-headed Gulls on the Mere early afternoon and was still present gone 3pm.

Adult breeding plumage Kittiwake with 2 Black-headed Gulls
Adult breeding plumage Kittiwake with 2 Black-headed Gulls

Other gulls seen today included a pair of adult Great Black-backed Gulls, 3 Common Gull, a few Lesser Black-backed Gull and Herring Gull.

Avocet numbers increased to 57 today. A Ringed Plover was on the back of the Mere and 3 Woodcock were flushed by a working party on the reserve this morning, a new addition to the year list which is now on 101 species.

Three Peregrine including the adult pair and an immature bird which spent a couple of minutes unsuccessfully attempting to grab Avocets in flight over the Mere.


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