Lapwing and Ruff

A cloudy calm start breaking out into yet more sunshine, something that has been missing over most of the winter. Lapwing were in action on Plover Field calling and display flying, one of early spring most evocative sounds.

Over 60 Ruff scattered around the reserve. Our first sightings of the Ruff joining a few Black-tailed Godwit in front of the new Discovery Hide next to the in focus shop. It's taken them all winter to find this feeding bonanza, which they previously took advantage of in front of the Swan Link Hide. They continue to show well in front of the Raines Observatory.

Ruff in front of the Discovery Hide. This bird is developing into breeding plumage although still missing it's 'ruff'
Ruff in front of the Discovery Hide. This bird is developing into breeding plumage although still missing it's 'ruff'

Two Marsh Harrier sometimes hunting together. At least 6 Common Buzzard, more if you scan distant trees, Peregrine briefly, 2 Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and the usual Tawny Owl.

At least 400 Whooper Swan late afternoon.





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