Latest Sighting

A murky day with misty rain on and off making visibility difficult at times. On the up side of that it did feel 'rare' today although at the time of writing this no 'mega's'  have been found..

A nice influx of Black-tailed Godwit is underway as more birds return from Iceland. Over 200 were feeding on Vinson's and Sunley's Marsh today. Assorted waders around the reserve included 4 Little Ringed Plover, 10+ Ruff, 100+ Lapwing, 8 Oystercatcher, 2 Ringed Plover and Avocet.

At least one but possibly 2 Marsh Harrier today. Little Egret floating around the reserve. Great-crested and Little Grebes in front of the Harrier Hide.

Locally some good birding to be had with Corn Bunting, Grey Partridge, Yellowhammer and Yellow Wagtail all within a few minutes of the reserve.

If you are visiting the reserve, do call in at the in focus shop and we can give you an idea were the best spots are on the reserve and round and about. Also if you've seen anything pop in and share the news.

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