Whinchat and Wheatear

As high pressure builds and calm and sunny weather settles in, some of us can be found complaining that this type of weather is unlikely to turn up many migrant birds! Things can be unpredictable certainly when it comes to individual rare birds although if I were a betting man I'd say the weekend looks more interesting...

It is however still autumn and birds are on the move. Today a Whinchat was fly catching from the top of a fence post on Plover Field. Wheatear on the bank edge of the newly dug scrape on Plover Field from the United Utilities Hide.

Certainly reasonable raptor weather with some 'kettles' of Common Buzzard high over the reserve. A scope view of them revealed the two highest birds were in fact Marsh Harrier, possibly just migrating over although 3 birds were seen hunting on the reserve yesterday.  Peregrine, Merlin, 2 Kestrel and 3 Sparrowhawk again present.

No reports of Pink-footed Geese today. It'll probably at least a week before any sizable influx occurs if the current forecast is anything to go by.

Two eclipse plumaged Pintail are new in. At least 400 Teal present, 10+ Wigeon, 20+ Shoveler, 10+ Gadwall and a few Tufted Duck.

Waders included 600+ Lapwing, 30+ Ruff, 2 Oystercatcher, 2 Ringed Plover, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 6 Black-tailed Godwit and 15+ Common Snipe.

Three Grey Wagtail briefly in front of the in focus shop. Many Chiffchaff contact calling around the reserve and Blackcaps.

Regular Sand Martins feeding over the Mere in the past few days as well as Swallow and House Martin. Also great watching hundreds of Starling hawking for insects over Woodend Marsh.

Kingfisher and Little Egret from the Ron Barker Hide. Four Raven today.

Still unable to upload photographs, although the reserve map can be seen via the in focus twtter feed here.  in focus WWT Martin Mere

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