Latest Sighting

A sudden blast of Westerlies today making for chilly birding around the reserve. The main focus of events are the continued slow arrival of Pink-footed Geese with somewhere in the region of 1600 roosting on the reserve at present.

Pink-footed Geese dropping onto the Mere
Pink-footed Geese dropping onto the Mere

We have heard from observers in Iceland that many thousands of Pink's have been leaving this morning so should make land fall in Scotland this afternoon/evening. As high pressure builds this weekend many of these birds may make the journey further south. watch this space!

Late opening dates
Late opening dates

Notable of late that at least 1000 Starling have been feeding with 600+ Lapwing on the reserve. In fact the small Starling roost we have on the Reedbed is currently 'murmurating' around 5000 birds, quite good for this time of year.

Recent wader reports included 4 Greenshank yesterday, 30+ Ruff and double figure Common Snipe.

The usual raptors 2+ Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, 6+ Common Buzzard, 2+ Sparrowhawk and 2+ Kestrel.

A roving flock of 10+ Mistle Thrush feeding on Rowan in the Car Park.




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