Latest Sightings

Today at Martin Mere we conducted the monthly WeBS survey of all of our wetland birds and here's what we saw!

  • 15 Avocet
  • 1 Barnacle Goose
  • 670 Black-headed Gull
  • 62 Black-tailed Godwit
  • 116 Canada Goose
  • 47 Coot
  • 32 Cormorant
  • 2 Gadwall
  • 1 Garganey
  • 1 Great Black-backed Gull
  • 2 Great White Egret
  • 88 Greylag Goose
  • 55 Lapwing
  • 4 Lesser Black-backed Gull
  • 2 Little Egret
  • 290 Mallard
  • 116 Moorhen
  • 1 Mute Swan
  • 57 Oystercatcher
  • 48 Pintail
  • 5 Ruff
  • 245 Shelduck
  • 78 Shoveler
  • 166 Teal
  • 16 Tufted Duck
  • 20 Whooper Swan
  • 119 Wigeon

We also had sightings of Marsh Harriers, Buzzards, Stonechats and Stock Doves as well as all the regulars at Janet Kear!

Feature Image of an Avocet

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