Latest Sightings

This week's sightings include:

Ron Barker Hide

  • Canada Goose
  • Shelduck
  • Shoveler
  • Oystercatcher
  • Snipe
  • Black-Headed Gull
  • Yellow Wagtail
  • Wheatear
  • Stonechat
  • Kestrel
  • Marsh Harrier

Kingfisher Hide

  • Goldfinch
  • Greenfinch
  • Blue Tit
  • Great Tit
  • Tree Sparrow

Discovery / Hale / Raines / Gladstone Hides

  • Canada Goose
  • Shelduck
  • 3 Garganey
  • Shoveler
  • Ruff in breeding plumage
  • Common Sandpiper
  • Black-Tailed Godwit
  • Oystercatcher
  • Avocet
  • Black-Headed Gull
  • 6 Mediterranean Gull
  • 2 Little Gulls
  • Blue Tit
  • Great Tit
  • Kestrel
  • Marsh Harrier

Janet Kear Hide

  • Goldfinch
  • Greenfinch
  • Blue Tit
  • Great Tit
  • Long-Tailed Tit
  • Tree Sparrow
  • Reed Bunting
  • Shelduck

Harrier Hide and Reedbed

  • Mute Swan
  • Canada Goose
  • Great Crested Grebe
  • Shelduck
  • Pochard
  • Cetti's Warbler
  • Marsh Harrier
  • Kestrel
  • Roe Deer

United Utilities and Gordon Taylor Hides

  • Red-Legged Partridge
  • Canada Goose
  • Teal
  • Avocet
  • Oystercatcher
  • Dunlin
  • Ruff
  • Common Sandpiper
  • Skylark
  • Lapwing
  • Marsh Harrier
  • Kestrel
  • Buzzard
  • Wheatear
  • Stonechat
  • Hare

Feature photo of a Ruff in breeding plumage by Gary Gray

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