Latest Sightings

Two of our common tern chicks fledged over the weekend and can now be seen flying over the mere with the adults! It is great news that some have managed to fledge despite the challenges wild birds currently face with avian influenza, hopefully a few more to follow! Waders are enjoying the newly exposed mud on the mere now that the water level is lower, 19 black-tailed godwits have been frequenting the back of the mere over the past few days along with a few oystercatchers and 2 redshanks. 62 lapwings were also enjoying the same area on the 1st.

Sticking with the waders, 4 green sandpipers have regularly been seen on Woodend marsh recently along with a common sandpiper on the 2nd, likely the same bird seen right in front of Discovery hide that morning. 2 snipe were seen flying onto Lord's mere this morning and 15 little-ringed plovers were on Vinson's, but the best wader recently has been a wood sandpiper seen from Gordon Taylor on the 30th.

The marsh harriers are still showing really well on top mere, the male can often be seen hunting over the fields from United utilities hide. The reedbed is another great place to see marsh harriers on the reserve. A barn owl is regularly quartering Ashton's and Plover field in the afternoon/evening and yesterday morning flew over the mere, chased off by the gulls and terns.

A yellow wagtail was on Woodend marsh yesterday afternoon and plenty of skylarks are using plover field. Tree sparrows are intermittently at Kingfisher hide and a flock of around 35 house martins have been seen regularly over the carpark over the weekend.

In non-bird news, a hummingbird hawk moth was seen on the buddleia near the Flamingo enclosure, this is the second one on the reserve this year!

North West Bird Watching Festival

Join us on the 14 & 15 October for the annual North West Bird Watching Festival. Celebrate the thousands of migratory wild birds that visit the centre over the autumn and winter period. With well-known guest speakers such as Ben Osborne, Lucy Lapwing, and David Goulson, plenty of exhibitors, and a weekend full of birding activities, this is an event not to be missed.

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