Latest Sightings

Here are the results of our monthly Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) completed today:

44 Wigeon
39 Gadwall
470 Teal
588 Mallard
54 Pintail
125 Shoveler
2 Pochard
12 Tufted Duck
5 Mute Swan
455 Whooper Swans
29 Shelduck
306 Greylag Geese
15 Canada Geese
9478 Pink Footed Geese
138 Moorhen
281 Coot
10 Snipe
236 Lapwing
5 Little Grebe
15 Cormorant
2 Grey Heron
1 Little Egret
22 Cattle Egret
230 Black Headed Gull
1 Black Swan
3 Marsh Harrier

Other highlights of this weekend include Green Sandpiper at Hale hide, a Treecreeper ringed at Janet Kear hide, Fieldfare, Redwing, Hen Harrier and Bittern.

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