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Hand feeding announcement

We have unfortunately had to stop hand feeding as a precautionary measure to help prevent the spread of bird illnesses. We apologise for any inconvenience.

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Latest Sightings

The arrival of summer visitors continues with 3 ringed plover sighted on the mere late last week. Avocet numbers are continuing to rise with 21 on the mere with single figures of avocet seen at both Ron Barker and on Woodend Marsh.

Merlin and peregrine have also been seen on site the past few days from United Utilities. Our longhorn cattle have now been moved onto Sunleys and Lord's Mere Marsh so now is a good opportunity to see cattle egret from Ron Barker hide.

The whooper swans are still with us on site but some of our radio tagged and ringed birds have now been recorded up in Iceland.

We have also undertaken our monthly Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS). Here are the results:

Wigeon 452
Gadwall 7
Teal 253
Mallard 367
Pintail 307
Shoveler 66
Pochard 23
Tufted Duck 16
Mute Swan 3
Whooper Swan 543
Shelduck 266
Greylag Goose 90
Canada Goose 94
Pink-footed goose 592
Moorhen 125
Coot 94
Snipe 2
Lapwing 23
Ruff 12
Black-tailed Godwit 70
Oystercatcher 18
Avocet 29
Redshank 2
Little grebe 1
Cormorant 18
Grey Heron 1
Little Egret 1
Cattle Egret 7
Black-headed gull 2626
Lesser black-backed gull 1
Great black-backed gull 2
Mediterranean gull 2
Kingfisher 1
Marsh harrier 4
Water rail 1

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