Opening Arrangements: Friday 3rd January

The flooding on site has subsided sufficiently that we believe that we have a 95% chance of being fully open tomorrow, Friday 3rd January.
A further update will be posted at 9am Friday, 3rd January.


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Latest Sightings

The back of the mere has been very busy this week: 5 avocets, 2 common terns, 2 oystercatchers, a little egret, a cattle egret, and 1 lapwing were all seen just yesterday! From United Utilities hide 3 dunlin and 2 little ringed plover have been spotted, and 3 marsh harriers, a kingfisher, and even a water vole were seen at Ron Barker hide.

Also near Ron Barker hide a cuckoo has been heard calling, with more reports of their calls coming from near the reedbed.

Image - Cuckoo (credit: Glyn Jones)

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