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Latest Sightings

Today, we carried out the Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS), a monthly nationwide count. The UK hosts internationally important numbers of wintering waterbirds. The data collected aids conservation by monitoring these populations.

Please bear in mind, WeBS is not a comprehensive list of all the bird species present at Martin Mere. We only count the birds seen during the survey.

Keep visiting our Latest Sightings page for up to date sightings when planning your next visit. Numbers can vary day-to-day, with the highest count of migratory Pink-Footed Geese so far this year at ~10,000. You can see a large number of wintering Whooper Swans up close every day during our 3pm Wild Bird Feed in the Discovery hide.

2 Stonechat were spotted today at Ron Barker hide, where you may also catch a glimpse of the Kingfisher. A Great Spotted Woodpecker was just seen at Janet Kear hide, and you can view songbirds like Goldfinches and Goldcrests around the feeders.

WeBS count

Wigeon 412

Gadwall 2

Teal 807

Mallard 820

Pintail 191

Shoveler 50

Pochard 19

Tufted Duck 46

Mute Swan 7

Whooper Swan 698

Shelduck 507

Greylag Goose 326

Canada Goose 12

Pink-Footed Goose 731

Moorhen 170

Coot 206

Snipe 27

Lapwing 1313

Ruff 16

Black-Tailed Godwit 44

Oystercatcher 2

Little Grebe 3

Cormorant 15

Grey Heron 3

Little Egret 4

Cattle Egret 8

Great White Egret 4

Black-Headed Gull 183

Great Black-Backed Gull 1

Also seen:

Marsh Harrier 6

Buzzard 1

Sparrowhawk 1

Kestrel 1

Peregrine 1

Grey Partridge 1

Photograph of a goldfinch.

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