Latest Sightings

A belated Happy New Year to you all! Always good to start the new year again with a clean slate. Last year we recorded 146 species of wild birds on the reserve, approximately 12 species down on recent averages. Highlights included  Siberian Chiffchaff (a first for the reserve, actually two birds), Glossy Ibis and Lesser Snow Goose.

One of those stunning frosty days here at Martin Mere with the Mere packed with Whooper Swan and assorted wildfowl. If the colder condition continue we may see the Lapwing depart but perhaps a few local Bewick's Swan may join the Whooper herds.

Yesterday a probable female Ferruginous Duck was seen briefly on the Mere. The sighting was brief so we cannot rule out the possibility of a hybrid. No sign today but it's worth scanning any Pochard flocks.

Plenty of raptors with 5 Common Buzzard, 2 Kestrel, Peregrine and Sparrowhawk. Two Little Owl roosting in Doehyles Barn and a Barn Owl from The Ron Barker Hide.

Kingfisher seen today and a Stoat. Little Egret on the reserve, a few Goldcrest and a Treecreeper with the mixed tit flock.


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