Latest Sightings

Some frosty mornings and blue sky days have made for some excellent birding around the reserve. New for the year 2 Chiffchaff opposite the sewage works. Last year over wintering Chiffchaffs were joined by 2 Siberian Chiffchaff which hung around into March. There seems to be far smaller numbers of 'sibes' wintering in the UK this year.

Still very much in 'swan spectacular' mode with 1300+ Whooper Swan on the reserve. Birds will be moving through on their journey to Iceland but good numbers will be present into March. Small numbers of Pink-footed Geese are in the area, but still no sign of any rarer geese among them. We still have plenty of time to turn up a Green-winged Teal or American Wigeon in the big Teal and Wigeon flocks on the reserve.

Still a big mixed flock of Fieldfare and Redwing just opposite the reserve in the 'sheep field'. Mistle Thrush, Song Thrush and Blackbirds best in the overflow car park feeding on mole hills. Stonechats present out on fence post across the reserve fields.

Recent raptors included Merlin, Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, 6+ Common Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk. Tawny Owl showing daily, sometime well, near the Kingfisher Hide. At least 3 Barn Owl present around the reserve.

Waders included 800+ Lapwing, 30+ Ruff, 10 Common Snipe, 6 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Oystercatcher, Redshank and Golden Plover. A possible Jack Snipe flushed out by the cattle.

Other sightings included Water Rail to the right of the Ron Barker Hide. Goldcrest along the nature trail. Plenty of Long-tailed, Coal, Great and Blue Tits but no reports of monday's Willow Tit near the Janet Kear Hide. Little Grebe from the Harrier Hide. Of interest, both Ross's and Bar-headed Geese still present.

Over 40 Pied Wagtail on the sewage works and a few Meadow Pipit and Grey Wagtail there.


The reserves hardy Long Horns on a frosty morning.

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