Latest Sightings

A clear and sunny day although the wind did have a nip in it. Yesterday's Avocet or at least 2 of them were present joined by 4 Ringed Plover. Plenty of close views of Ruff to be had, some hinting at a change to breeding plumage. The Lapwings were positively glowing in the morning sun on Top Mere.

Skylarks were singing out on Plover Field and beyond. Cetti's Warbler giving it's brief spurt of a call between the two viewing platforms along the Reedbed Walk.

Tawny Owl again before the Kingfisher Hide. Little Egret again today.

We noted on the commentary from yesterdays report that there might have been an American Wigeon on Sunday. As far as we know nobody reported it to anyone on the reserve which is always essential in these matters! It's worth noting that a drake Eurasian Wigeon is still present (today) which has a large green blaze on the side of it's head making it look similar to Am Wigeon (and claimed as such earlier in the autumn).

After saying all of that if you've got a shot of a (wild) American Wigeon seen on site do tell us it's not impossible!

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