Latest Sightings

A brief round up of recent activity. Avocet numbers have crept up to 11. At least 2 Ringed Plover, 50+ Ruff, 50+ Oystercatcher, 10+ Black-tailed Godwit, 600+ Lapwing, 2 Redshank and some Common Snipe. We can expect the first Curlew to arrive in the near future.

The usual raptors with Marsh Harrier, 6+ Common Buzzard, 3 Kestrel, 2 Sparrowhawk and Peregrine. A buzzard with a rufous tail was seen this morning.

Adult Med Gull in breeding plumage this morning.

Plenty of wildfowl present including good numbers of Whooper Swan.

The feeders are active with the one next to the in focus shop having a minimum of 16 Goldfinch, 17 Greenfinch and 12 Reed Bunting.

New for the year but perhaps unrecorded previously, Collared Dove.

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