Mystery Bird Shot

A blustery couple of days keeping many birds tucked in. Waders to the fore with 66 Avocet, 59 Ruff, 60+ Oystercatcher, 17 Black-tailed Godwit, 400+ Lapwing (some now display flying), Redshank, 2 Ringed Plover, 2 Dunlin, Common Snipe and Curlew.

Water levels on Vinson's and Sunley's Marshes are being brought down to the summer levels. Some disturbance is likely over the next week or two when some new temporary islands are created for breeding birds.

The overflow car park has been good for thrushes with 16 Redwing, 2 Fieldfare, 2 Mistle Thrush and Blackbirds.

Goldcrest along the Nature Trail.

Female Pintail with heavy staining

Here's a good mystery bird shot, apologies for the quality (it was taken at approx 7000mm!). Answer tomorrow.

Worth noting the reserve is fully open even though the access road says closed.

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