Latest Sightings

Chiffchaff in song in the blossom covered trees next to the in focus shop this morning. Always a pleasure hearing one of the first sounds of spring. Plenty of insects to keep it happy too.


Whooper Swan count on the Mere this morning produced 155 birds. Around 250 Pink-footed Geese in local fields.


Around 40 Ruff present with many birds showing signs of moulting into breeding plumage. Note a single Black-tailed Godwit in non-breeding plumage in this shot.

Other waders included 80+ Lapwing, 40+ Oystercatcher, 20+ Black-tailed Godwit, Ringed Plover and Dunlin.

Three owl species seen on the reserve yesterday. Two Tawny Owl near the Kingfisher Hide, Barn Owl early on and Little Owl opposite reserve in the morning.

In the afternoon a Willow Warbler was reported in trees near the duckery. This would possibly be one of the earliest records of this species on the reserve. The earliest Lancashire record is the 19th of March (1990 & 2011).


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