Latest Sightings

A damp start with south easterlies half promised a Black Tern or two but they didn't materialise.

Some new birds were seen including a smart male Yellow Wagtail briefly on the Mere mid afternoon. Still a few Wheatear on the outer edge of the reserve. Med Gull (1s) again on the Mere. More Swift present late afternoon.

Eight Whimbrel from the Ron Barker. A small flock of 10 Dunlin seemed to drop in on Vinsons Marsh. Other waders included 2 Little Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper as well as 30 + Avocet, Redshanks. Oystercatchers and Lapwings.

Barn Owl out hunting late today as rain must have disrupted it earlier. Peregrine (imm), Marsh Harrier, 4+ Kestrel and many Common Buzzard.

The Black-headed Gulls are mostly siting on nest when not being raided by marauding Lesser Black-backed Gull after their eggs.


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