Latest Sightings

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Although ever optimistic about the potential arrival of new migrants on the back of the wild weather in the past 24 hours, we can report that nothing obviously has appeared so far...

Two Curlew Sandpiper still present with 5 Dunlin on the back of Sunley's Marsh viewed from the Ron Barker Hide.

Little Gull present on the back of the Mere.

Over 100 Black-tailed Godwit still present.

Three Great-crested Grebe and 3 Little Grebe including a well grown chick in front of the Harrier Hide.

The Hare and the Avocet chick
The Hare and the Avocet chick

On this day in 2010

Red-necked Phalarope found from the in focus shop 2nd June 2010
Red-necked Phalarope found from the in focus shop 2nd June 2010


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