Latest Sightings

A little taste of warmer weather and still some waders moving through. Yesterday 9 Sanderling briefly touched down on the reserve beating the previous highest count of 7 birds from May 1986!

A female Gadwall had 8 ducklings in tow in front of the Harrier Hide. At least one Great-crested Grebe and Little Grebes present there.

Whitethroats, Sedge and Reed Warblers along the Reed Bed Walk and Grasshopper Warbler reeling past the Sewage Works.

Out on Woodend Marsh Redshank with 3 chicks and 2 Common Tern.

Usual waders present including 2 Little Ringed and Ringed Plover on the Mere and smaller numbers of Black-tailed Godwit than of late.

Two Tawny Owl between the Janet Kear and United Utilities Hide.

Mediterranean Gull again on the Mere. Great-spotted Woodpecker from the Janet Kear Hide.

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