Latest Sightings

A proper summers start to the day, light winds and full sun. Not a huge number of sightings to report although it is relatively easy to see 60+ species on the reserve at the moment.

Cuckoo and Kingfisher are the main attractions viewed from the Ron Barker Hide. The former can be seen hunting for caterpillars and occasionally perches on the close fencing, the later is regularly seen next to Miller's Bridge.

Raptors provided plenty of activity with 2 Marsh Harrier, 5+ Common Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel.

Waders included a recently fledged Avocet (late for here), 15+ Ruff, Oystercatcher, Black-tailed Godwit and 200+ Lapwing.

Mistle Thrushes on the overflow car park. Willow Warblers along the Nature Trail.

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