Latest Sightings

Plenty of activity around the reserve at the moment. This morning it appeared that we had received a small fall of warblers with 3 different Garden Warblers seen (two near the Kingfisher Hide and one opposite the Sewage Works on the Reed Bed Walk). The Reed Bed Walk had Whitethroat, 3+ Chiffchaff and Blackcap in the same mixed flock as the Garden Warbler with Long-tailed and Blue Tits. At least 3 Sedge Warbler together with one Reed Warbler just in front of the Harrier Hide. Locally a Wryneck was found in a private garden in Southport.

No shortage of flushing action from 2 Peregrine, 2 Marsh Harrier, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and 4+ Common Buzzard. Yesterday a buzzard was seen briefly that had a dark terminal band on the white tail which suggested Rough-legged Buzzard although the 'jizz' was very much like Common. It would be extraordinarily early for Rough-leg.

Streaky juvenile with prey on the left. Barred adult on the right.
Streaky juvenile female with prey on the left. Barred adult male on the right.

The recent light Northerly airflow hints at the possibility of Pink-footed Geese arriving from Iceland but local condition there (warm with showers) probably isn't ideal to get them moving. There have been one or two local reports, one with up to 30 birds, but as far as we know none of these birds have been seen again, and no birds have been reported in Norfolk or for that matter in Scotland, which observers think are fresh from Iceland. When the do arrive, Martin Mere is opening late on Wednesday and Saturday. (see poster below)


Not too many wader reports although both Vinson's and Sunley's Marsh are looking excellent. At least 600 Lapwing in the area, 30+ Ruff, 20+ Common Snipe and Little Ringed Plover.

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