Latest Sightings

A lovely day again with calm condition and good visibility. The Whooper Swan numbers have increased with this mornings dawn count producing 361 birds. The Pink-footed Geese numbers are on the other hand drooping back slightly with only 16000(!) roosting. The wardens did see approximately 20000 Starling passing over the reserve although the recent roosting birds have spent some time just off the reserve, probably as a result of the attention of the Marsh Harriers.


Speaking of which 5 Marsh Harrier were seen today including a report of an adult male. Other raptors included Peregrine, 4+ Common Buzzard, 2 Sparrowhawk and 2 Kestrel.

A good count of over 1000 Lapwing also 40+ Ruff, 10+ Common Snipe and Black-tailed Godwit.

A Brambling on the feeder next to the in focus shop is the first of the autumn here.

Other reports included Kingfisher and Raven.

It is possible to see over 60 species of wild bird in a day at Martin Mere.



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