Latest Sightings

The water levels are now dropping out on the reserve making access to all but the United Utilities Hide possible. The Waterfowl Gardens are still out of bounds which makes looking for the Firecrest difficult unless it spends time along the Nature Trail between the Gladstone and Janet Kear Hides were it was originally found.



Similar numbers and counts as recently recorded on the sighting page. Certainly 12000+ birds using the reserve at the moment!

No Merlin sightings today but the usual 3+ Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, 3+ Common Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and 2+ Sparrowhawk. Two Barn Owl out early afternoon viewed from the Ron Barker Hide. Two Tawny Owl again, directions from the in focus shop.

Panorama at feeding time

The 3000+ Lapwing are as usual spectacular when flushed by assorted raptors.


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