Latest Sightings

Good numbers of people being entertained by huge numbers of birds on a pleasant day which started sunny and ended with rain just after sunset.

Whooper Swans and Pink-footed Geese in good numbers, the later certainly on the increase. Locally a few European White-fronted Geese and Barnacles have been with the flocks as well as a Dark-bellied Brent so it's always worth a good scan when the flocks drop in.

Five species of raptor with 2 Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, 4+ Common Buzzard, 2 Sparrowhawk and 2 Kestrel. At least 2 Barn Owl and the usual 2 Tawny Owl (directions from the in focus shop).

Waders included 4 Oystercatcher, 60+ Ruff, 2000+ Lapwing, Black-tailed Godwit and Common Snipe. No sign of yesterday's Redshank which was new for the year. Redshank breed in reasonable numbers here so they'll be back.

A gull roost is beginning to form with 1000+ Black-headed Gull. Both Lesser and Great Black-backed Gulls were feeding on a Shelduck corpse on the back of the Mere today.

A small flock of Siskin near the feeding station behind the Sustainable Garden area in the Waterfowl Gardens.


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