Latest Sightings

Another pleasant day with a good range of species recorded. It is normally possible to see over 60 species in a full day on the reserve.

The ringtail Hen Harrier showed reasonably well as this shot from the United Utilities Hide below testifies.

Hen Harrier - back of the camera shot (Phil Pickett)
Hen Harrier - back of the camera shot (Phil Pickett)

Six species of raptor with Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, 4+ Common Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk. Two Barn and Tawny Owl.

Avocet numbers increased over night to 37. Similar wader counts to yesterday.

An adult Med Gull was seen on and off on the Mere today. In recent years we get a build up of this species running into May.

The jet black hood of this Adult breeding plumage Mediterranean Gull stands out.
The jet black hood of this Adult breeding plumage Mediterranean Gull stands out.

The single Bewick's Swan was picked out mid afternoon when it flew in with Whooper Swan in front of the Ron Barker Hide before relocating to the Mere.

Other sightings included male Bullfinch along the Nature Trail to the Janet Kear Hide. Stonechats on the fence line out on Plover Field.


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