Latest Sightings

A frosty start but with light winds and sunshine altogether very pleasant. Unpredictable regarding the arrival of more summer migrants as the winds are coming from the east. In autumn this would be exciting but in spring a south-westerly airflow and rain showers tend to produce the goods. However it is peak arrival time for a number of species so we are not going to rule anything out!

Great-crested Grebes from the Harrier Hide.
Great-crested Grebes from the Harrier Hide.

Altogether very similar counts and species as of yesterday so to save sometime do check out yesterdays sightings. Additional birds today included Jay near the Harrier Hide, Ringed Plover from the Ron Barker Hide and Barn Owl on the Reed Bed Walk this morning.

Lesser Black-backed Gulls with a Mallard's egg.
Lesser Black-backed Gulls with a Mallard's egg.

Get off my land!
Get off my land!

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