Latest Sightings

Mostly murky rain today opening up the prospect of one or two waders dropping in as they make there ways south.

Two Green Sandpiper from the Kingfisher Hide this morning and at least one there in the afternoon with a Little Egret close by. Avocet numbers are dropping back although still double figures around the reserve. Up to 90 Black-tailed Godwit feeding on the reserve, 150+ Lapwing, 5 Little Ringed Plover, 4 Dunlin, Redshanks, Common Sandpiper and Oystercatchers.

Green Sandpiper from the Kingfisher Hide this afternoon.


Two Kingfisher at least with birds seen in front and behind the Ron Barker Hide and from the Janet Kear Hide with Great-spotted Woodpecker at the later.

Peregrine caught what looked to be a young Coot along the back of the Mere this morning. Marsh Harrier from the Harrier Hide, 2 Common Buzzard looking bedraggled in the rain and Sparrowhawk from the JK Hide.




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