Latest Sightings

The arrival of August heralds a further increase in migration activity with more species leaving the breeding grounds and heading South. On the reserve it will generally be the waders that are obviously changing although many passerines also can pass through. Over the years we have had a few rarities turn up in August including Wilson's Phalarope. It's not impossible that the first Pink-footed Geese will arrive near the end of the month although it is generally the first week in September.

Today's waders included 500+ Lapwing, 150+ Black-tailed Godwit, 10 Dunlin, 2 Snipe, 7 Ruff, Common Sandpiper and Green Sandpiper.

Two Marsh Harrier seen with one juvenile hunting on the reserve and another heading off high south. At least 4 Common Buzzard, 2 Sparrowhawk and Kestrel.

At least one Raven around the reserve. The Long-tailed Tit flock is getting large with 20+ Long-tails and 10+ Blue/Great Tit. Check this flock for other birds including Tree Creeper, Nuthatch and assorted warblers.

Swift still present feeding over the reserve. We will continue to record Swifts into September and occasionally October long after local breeding birds have departed.

In other news a Hummingbird Hawk-moth was feeding on Buddleia near the Discovery Hide on Sunday and Painted Lady by the Kingfisher Hide.

If you are visiting the reserve we have a full list of the birds at the in focus shop and we should be able to point you in the right direction to get the best out of your visit.




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