Little Ringed Plover

Both Little Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper were on the Mere in the morning. Around 25+ Black Tailed Godwit

At least 5+ Sedge Warbler and 1 Reed Warbler along the Reedbed Walk, plus Chiffchaff's and Blackcap's around the reserve. The Tawny Owl was again near Kingfisher Hide.

Little Egret again plus Peregrine from Ron Barker Hide. Still at least 3 Mediterranean Gull on the Mere, a pair and a single bird seemingly paired to a Black Headed Gull.

Lot's of Butterflies, including Brimstone, Orange Tip, Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock and Small White.

A few Stoat sightings today including around the Mere.

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